"Do you really expect people to give thanks this weekend"
"Don't you know what the economy is like?"
"Don't you know what this new health care bill can do to our taxes?"
"Don't you know about the flooding that happened in Georgia?"
"Don't you know about the killings at Fort Hood?"
"Don't you know about the H1N1 virus taking lives and ruining many more?"
"Don't you know about the Philippines Massacre, where now 46 people were murdered for political gain?"
"You don't even know the struggles I go through...suicidal thoughts, depression, anger, failing grades, my parents always on my case, siblings are a pain."
I bet you can think of a thousand different things going on in either the world or your own life, that you may say, "What can I be really thankful for?"
Among a thousand hardships or trials or call it whatever you like, there is one reason to be thankful. Jesus Christ came to the earth, died on a cross to pay for YOUR sins, for the purpose of glorifying God and so that YOU can conquer over sin and death (John 3:16).
What a truly amazing thing to be thankful for. For those of us who have eternal salvation, will one day escape the sin of this world. We have a hope of one day being without sickness, never again experiencing death, and reigning with Christ.
Without Christ, what have you to be thankful for?
With Christ, what have you to be thankful for?
Turn to Christ this weekend. Thank Him, because EVERY good thing you have comes from God (James 1:17).
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