Tiger Woods was the first athlete ever to make $1 billion...yes, that's billion with a "B". He is in a sport where he gets a lot of face time (no helmet), gets to travel to the most beautiful places in the world, all while hitting a ball and then taking a leisurely stroll....hit a ball take a leisurely stroll...make a billion dollars. He is the most well known athlete. Never caught at night clubs or bars, never wielding weapons, or with a posse that beats people up. You might catch him at a sporting event, here or there, but nothing that would put him into the spotlight outside of the golf course.
Now, when you type in "Tiger Woods" into Google, the first additional word that pops up..."women". ABC news is now reporting that there are 9 women that are linked to Tiger Woods. SNL did a skit to poke fun at Tiger's alleged affairs. So it is official, the "perfect", "hero", "nothing bad to say about him", Tiger Woods is now being seen as "scandalous", "womanizer", and "pathetic".
There are many different areas I can go with on this blog. I could talk about how the world views marriage (allegations are that Tiger offered his wife millions of dollars to stay with him). I could talk about the shame of sexual immorality. I could talk about living above reproach.
The one thing I want to pull out from this post is the "lostness" of the lost. Tiger seemed to have it all. Wonderful family and all the money anyone could ever need. The one thing that Tiger lacks...Christ. Sadly enough, even Christians look at Tiger's life and say, "He had it all and then he blew it." What? He had it all? What worldview are you living with? Tiger has nothing. If Christ is everything, then Tiger has nothing of value.
We asked a question in Youth TEAM a couple months back. What would you do for $10 million? Would you be willing to give up all your access to God's Word, church, and fellow believers to have that money? What about $1 billion, like Tiger? You CANNOT serve both God and money (Matt. 6:24).
Christian, what about you? Are you jealous of others who have more money than you? Are you envious of unsaved people who seem to have it all? If you are, you are forgetting that you have the most precious gift that money can't buy. You have eternal rewards being stored up for you in Heaven. The High King of Glory will look at you and one day say, "Well done, good and faithful servant." What are you living for? Are you living for temporary pleasures that pass away?
I guess it comes down to one question. Do you love God or money? You have to pick one or the other. What does your life show?
Pray that Tiger Woods will see his need for salvation. Pray that he will come to Christ. God often uses tragic situations in people's lives to draw them to Him. Pray that God is doing this.
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