Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Tim Tebow: Super Bowl Commercial (Revealed)

There were 2 main big reveals on Sunday.

1.  Focus on the Family's Super Bowl Commercial.

In case you missed it.  Tim Tebow's Super Bowl commerical (seen here) showed Mrs. Tebow sharing that her son was her "miracle baby", claiming that there were health issues.  He tackles her (fake tackle).  Then she talked about how she still worries about his health even to this day.  This ad was very non specific.

It's amazing how so many people could get worked up over the Tebow's telling their story.  There was nothing about pro-life or anti-abortion.  They simply say at the end of the add that if you want to hear the whole story you can visit the Focus on the Family web page.

My initial reaction on the add was disappointment.  They had a really great opportunity to share about the gift of life (Psalm 139).  My second reaction was, "that was good."  It offers an opportunity for those who want to learn more, and now, no one can say anything bad about the ad.  Everyone who were so up in arms over this ad now feels foolish for jumping all over Focus on the Family (FOTF).....this leads me to the second big reveal.

2. Association with the Gospel can be Dangerous

After finally seeing the ad, the National Organization for Women (NOW) President responded.  Did she repeal her earlier statement of how absurd it was for CBS to promote a wacko pro-life agenda that FOTF stands for?  Absolutely not!  The LA Times reports this:

NOW president Terry O'Neill said it glorified violence against women. "I am blown away at the celebration of the violence against women in it," she said. "That's what comes across to me even more strongly than the anti-abortion message. I myself am a survivor of domestic violence, and I don't find it charming. I think CBS should be ashamed of itself."

Celebration of violence against women?  Huh?  Violence came across stronger than the anti-abortion message?  Where were these messages at all?  I wonder if she even watched the ad.

If your worldview is shaped by the Gospel, then you will no doubt be attacked.  You will most likely be attacked more than others who come to a similar position outside of the Gospel.  If someone is a non-believer and is pro life, they will be less ridiculed than someone who trusts in Christ and is pro life.  It is the nature of the Good News.  John 15:20-21

"Remember the word that I said to you: 'A servant is not greater than his master.' If they persecuted me, they will also persecute you. If they kept my word, they will also keep yours.  But all these things they will do to you on account of my name, because they do not know him who sent me."

Jesus promises persecution for holding to His Word.  This should not cause us to fear, but to press on (2 Timothy 2:3-4).  We are to engage the enemy.  We are not to be frightened (Philippians 1:28), because we have a hope of salvation.  We shouldn't fear those who can only destroy our body, but the One who can destroy both body and soul (Matthew 10:28).  

In humility, take a stand.  In love, proclaim truth.

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